Get the latest company changes emailed directly to you.
Several thousand new official company & business documents can be processed daily (38,444 have been uploaded so far this month), which needless to say, can be tricky to stay on top of.
That's why instant alerts on Vision-net.ie are set-up to take that strain away - these include:
Company Monitoring - if an Irish or UK company you have an interest in changes Status, Director, Address or files new documents (latest accounts etc) - you'll be first to know.
Insolvency Monitoring - details key Company Insolvency notices daily. With it you'll know about Court Petitions, Meetings of Creditors, Liquidator & Receiver appointments etc.
Judgment Monitoring - monitors Companies that have been taken to Court for not repaying debts to let you know if they incur any further Judgments.
Credit Score Monitoring - our Credit Reports are some of the most authoritative ones available anywhere. If a credit score of a company changes we'll let you know - straightaway!
To view details of any Irish or UK companies, or indeed, any of your clients, competitors or suppliers - simply login to your account today.
Insolvency Notices
The number of companies that have collapsed this year. This figure is down 1% compared to last year
Click here to view the list
Our Credit Reports are predicting over 80% of insolvencies at up to 6 months in advance.
- 42 Companies
E8 (Notice Of Appointment Of Receiver)
- 2 Companies
- 0 Company
Meetings of Creditors
11th of August, 2017
10th of August, 2017
9th of August, 2017
5th of August, 2017
Read MoreClosures
The number of companies that have closed this week.
New Startups
New Companies
- 474 Companies
New Businesses
- 232 Businesses
Important Changes
Changed Status
- 750 Companies
- 3 Companies
Strike off & Struck off Companies
Strike Off
- 292 Companies
Struck Off
- 0 Company